Sunday, September 15, 2024

OZ Alleggerita HLT - Refresh

The CCW looks great on the car and love the way it looks on the car being low, but this is my only low car that's not on air. With age I guess I get more annoyed at the low profile tires giving it a harsher ride and the scrapping because the car is too low. Not worth it for me so was on the lookout for another set of wheels that were not as aggressive and a size smaller so I can put higher profile tires. Came across a set of 17" OZ's for sale and thought that would work for my application better.

The blue wasn't working for me and it had some scuffs etc. that I wasn't a fan of. Gave it a good cleaning and then scuffed it all down for paint. Before paint I got some new tires mounted and balanced. So masking everything up was fun but got everything masked up well, including masking all mounting surfaces.

With a coat of adhesive promoter, added a coat of primer.

Went through a bunch of colors but just wanted a factory look +1 so went with this. Color is light when son hits it but has a good flop so looks darker if light is not hitting it directly.

After a coat of clear everything looked good to me. Jeremy at The Body Shop did all the paint work and did an awesome job. All the details, names etc. are still very visible.   

-AJ Abraham

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